My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thought of the Day 4/11/2012: Random Fun

Heidelberg Castle: One of the many German splendors I'll be visiting during my Hobbit-Style excursions!
I know it's been awhile, but I thought I'd hit some highlights of what I've been up to and share some observations to ensure you all that Summer is still very much Summery:

  1. For reasons that extrapolate back to High School, I will always remember today as Ryan Shuck's birthday.  Who is Ryan Shuck you might ask?  He is the guitarist from my all-time favorite band, Orgy.  That's right, the very band that inspired my first tattoo as well as provoking my passion for 80's retro pop, as I discovered that the song Blue Monday was a New Order cover.  New Order led to Depeche Mode, which in turn led to The Cure, The Smiths, Duran Duran, and the list goes on.  Anyway, each year I renew my age cap per Mr. Ryan Shuck, in order to accommodate the possibility of dating him should the opportunity arise.  Today he is 39 years old and still smokin' hot.
  2. I love wearing my green trouser socks.  When I look at my feet I think for one fleeting moment that I could very well be Elphaba Thropp.
  3. I've fully integrated into my new environment and social scene, and am absolutely loving life!  I've made friends that I know I don't deserve because they think I'm hilarious.  Somehow it seems I've reverted back to the Crazy College Summer, albeit much wiser for having had some significant changes take place.  Our weekly outings include bar trivia and Kickball.  My contributions to these events are less specific to an illustration of knowledge or athletic skill, and more focused on an honest display of my utterly ridiculous personality and complete lack of social filter.  In short, I promote a sense of friendship and unity based on caustic humor and trash-talk.
  4. Future plans include a much anticipated 3-week Sweden/Denmark/Germany vacation, as well as running multiple 5K's around Longmont and the Bolder Boulder 10K.  
I aspire to continue writing informative and motivating articles, but indulgence in my new found social life has me a bit side-tracked.  Rest assured however, that my treadmill meanderings are still very much aflow and one of these days I'll sit down to write out the unique concepts and analogies which I hold so dear and love to share.  Until then I leave you with the key principles that help keep my anxiety at bay other than Yoga and Running: keep it real and go with your gut, work to break habitual thinking patterns and their subsequent actions, resist nothing, make mindful decisions and detach from their outcomes whether positive or negative; and most importantly, take full responsibility for your own actions regardless of the actions or provocations of others.

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