My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thought of the Day 4/12/2012: Dating in Colorado

Despite being 27 years-young, my experience with dating has been limited to, well, now.  Don't ask me how this happened, it's a mind-numbing amalgamation of personality, weight, self-esteem and perseverance follies.  Anyway, I'm pleased to find that Colorado offers its own particular take on the run-of-the-mill dating experience; I am of course referring to the mundane "Dinner and a Movie" tradition.

Likely a consequence of the sustained level of activity which draw people here from lazier parts of the nation (Boulder is the skinniest city in the entire US), a typical date in Colorado almost always includes hiking.  This intake of mountain scenery is typically followed by sampling micro-brews at a local brewery.  While I'm not much of a drinker, I do enjoy imbibing to experience unique combinations of flavor, which has led to my passion for martinis.  Lastly, honest, intelligent and humorous conversation will never go amiss regardless of its setting.  This is easily attained in Colorado as most of us are outgoing and educated exports from other regions of the US, who left our respective birthplaces in pursuit of finding like-minded liberals.  Welcome to Colorado!   

So, needless to say, I'm quite enjoying my new adventures and meeting a wonderfully eclectic gamut of people; all of whom I admire and respect for one reason or another.  I'm just afraid of falling short as a potential life partner as I have a difficult time making that mental switch from friend to something more.  Unless I have steadfast intentions for the latter, I stick everyone indiscriminately in the friend-zone because I assume that's where they intended to settle within our relationship dynamic.  In my defense however, this was conditioned into me as a result of 23 years of obesity, during which time I never once fathomed anyone could have romantic inclinations towards me.  This aversion to the romantic pursuits of others is proving the most difficult habitual thinking pattern to break.  In conclusion, if you go out on a date with me and like me 'that way,' I'll kindly ask you not to be coy and simply tell me, otherwise your ass is in the friend-zone; but please also be prepared for honesty.

Good lord, no wonder I intimidate people.   It's going to take a specific sort of man to put me in my place.

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