My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Travel Day 3: Sunday-ish, 6/17/2012

8:40 Flight from Berlin to Stuttgart

I didn't realize I'd have to clear customs before boarding the flight to Stuttgart and then I had to go through security, but they do it per gate here, so it's much faster.  Got my first passport stamp!  I awoke abruptly to breakfast and it was good.  I had a roll, cheese and turkey sandwich and yogurt.  They also served salami and a muffin, so I saved the muffin for Pilar.  Everything here smells of cologne and BO, it's a bit intoxicating!

The men are right away catching my attention, they all seem to have stocker builds, like they're made of something stronger here.  Even the woman (some, not all) have a 'manlier' feel.  So far I'm very pleased with what I see.  The flight to Stuttgart is funny in that everyone seems to know each other, talking and laughing.  I don't feel off-put by people not really talking to me when it becomes obvious I don't speak German, yet I feel bad that I didn't take more care to learn the language better.  One more flight to go.... I'm actually not horribly tired, but it could also be that my body at this point is so throughly confused its just going with it.  Let's see how much I can eat/drink before I pass out, haha.  Woot!

14:00 Stuttgart [Link to Pics]

Pils is cooking us crepes with apples and mascarpone.  I had a great quick jog around the vineyards around Pilar's apartment; absolutely gorgeous, while Pilar went to the lab to split cells.  Showering was amazing and the time changes doesn't seem to be bothering me much.  Pilar already saved my ass once because the chick at the ticket counter didn't speak English and I needed a reserved seat to get to Stockholm on Wednesday.  She busted out some awesome German, got me the ticket and paid for the ticket since I haven't exchanged any money yet.  I hope to do so soon.  I also found out that my credit card won't likely be usable many places because they don't have magnetic card readers here.  Oh boy.... guess I didn't plan well, haha.... for the first time in my life.  I'll figure something out :)

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