My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Thought of the Day 01/28/2015: Now What?!

Just before I left Hospira I was talking with one of the security guards about my forthcoming adventure. They made a statement that succinctly summarized what I was doing, but also asked a question which rendered me speechless, nearly thoughtless. I was left in such a state of anxiety and contemplation, the rest of the night was a blur. What he was was this: "So, you're doing what you’ve always wanted to do; now what?"

Now what indeed! Oh shit, I'd never given it any thought. Being said that way, it felt ominously as though something in my life was coming to an end and I, uncharacteristically, hadn't made a contingency plan. Sure, there are the obvious things to deal with upon my arrival such as booking a hostel, buying a car, getting a tax ID number and applying to jobs; but what about what really matters? What are my new life goals? Other than hiking Mt. Doom, I had no immediate plans.

One afternoon, during that whimsical time before waking and sleeping just as one awakes, it came to me: Life, that's what. Everything I've done throughout the past 30 years has been necessary to get to me to this critical point in my life, the launch into the unknown. This the not the end, this is the beginning; the journey that starts my new existence abroad. My life goal will continue to be the only one worth obtaining: Happiness.

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