My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Marble Prison

Saturday, 12/07/2013 Mumbai, Hilton Hotel [Picture Link]
I'll begin by saying that this is, hands-down, one of the most beautiful buildings I've had the honor of being in; mostly due to my obsession with Marble and great landscaping, but please allow me to take a minute and explain my disappointment at being encapsulated within its boundaries.

My life's ambition is to travel, I want to absorb the sights, smells, culture and people of everywhere I go no matter how near to, or far from, home.  I typically achieve this goal by traversing where I am on-foot, I absolutely love to wander without any particular destination to see where life takes me and whom I may meet; and above all I congratulate myself on my independent nature and advanced sense of direction, both of which enable me to make smart decisions regarding my health and safety.  As I am now at the mercy of two Managers who do not encourage independent travel or the consummation or raw fruits or vegetables in this foreign land, however, I am not able to leave the hotel as neither of them wish to leave and I cannot go out alone without adverse judgement on my decision-making abilities from a professional standpoint.  I suppose this is the compromise I must make for 'Business' travel.

Ok, I'm done complaining ... thanks for listening, I feel much better. Note that what follows are facts and not to be taken as continued complaining.

The diverted flight to London did not end up leaving Heathrow until nearly 13:00, and once we flew to India, got through Customs and checked into the hotel it was nigh on 6:00 the following day.  I hadn't slept during the 8.5 hour flight, opting to catch up on some movies (The Internship, Meet the Miller and Wolverine-all great, and 21 Jump Street-not so great); I was so tired upon my arrival that it was all I could do to babble a few words and remember to use bottled water to brush my teeth.  My brain was so jet-lagged and confused in fact that I had no idea how to turn the lights in my room on or off, and had to ask one of the baggage handlers to show me as I simultaneously, and profusely, apologized for not having any rupees to give them, as I hadn't had the chance to change any money.  Everyone here is so nice and attentive it boarders on creepy, and this coming from one of the most extroverted Americans alive!  Once I had slept 4 hours I got up to have a light workout, and I was stared at by every hotel worker and guest as I got lost multiple times, both to and from the gym.  At first I was worried that my tattoos were offending them, and thus the basis of their staring, but finally decided that they'd likely stare at me like that anyway, so I let it go.  After all, I'm REALLY white.

Anyway, the day hasn't been a total bust.  I had a nice time sitting outside talking to my co-workers where it was delightfully warm and smelled of flowers, got to catch up on my work emails and partook of a fantastic buffet; I even tried Mutton!  The servers are so attentive that they insisted on getting the food for me, which I found unnerving, but I must remind myself to be culturally sensitive and tolerant.  Who could consciously be upset with people who simply, and authentically, wish to provide the best possible service? A bitch, that's who.... I'm not a bitch anymore.

Onto my final destination tomorrow: Visakhapatnam (Vizag)

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