My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thought of the Day 1/21/2012

Today I spent 10 minutes trying to get into my apartment with my spare key, which I knew only worked when it wanted too.  Finally, with two red hands I decided to ask for help. The office manager not only let me into my apartment, but told me why my spare key wasn't working and explained the inner workings of locks; valuable information to be sure.

Lesson:  Knowing when to give up and ask for help is priceless.
Goal:  Have a new key made, or only try for 5 minutes before asking for help next time.

1 comment:

  1. JerLsk1/21/2012

    Summer, I keep a spare key for my car in my wallet just in case. Friday, I walked into my garage, locked the door into the house, of course, as usual, and realized I didn't have my key, the car key and the house key. BUT I DID have my car key in my wallet - wahlahhhhhh. However, fortunately, I found my keys inside another freaking part of my purse, but had I not had the car key, I would have had to have gone through the maze of finding the keys we have hidden. I was already late for work. Love you :-)
