My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Travel Day 15: Friday, 06/29/2012

Afternoon-ish [I must have stayed in the sun too long upon writing this entry as I forgot the enter the time and also labeled the entry as 'Thursday 06/29/2011, when it was in fact Friday, 06/29/2012, haha]

I really must admit, I sit here in that beautiful [Heidelberg] park, in a bathing suit I picked up for 7 Euro at H&M in Bismarkplatz and having just gone for a dunk and sit in the sun, extremely proud of myself.
It started this morning when one of my hostelmates, and older lady from Cologne (Koln), and I instantly hit it off and we spent breakfast together. One of the first things she said to me was that she'd hiked from Frankfurt to Heidelberg yesterday, which instantly made me feel lazy as shit, haha, and extremely envious. For some reason, I felt drawn to open up to her. I admitted that I would love to do something like that but I struggle with an eating disorder as I've lost a lot of weight and worry I don't fuel my body adequately. She said it's all about balance, which I know but it's easier said than done!

We ate breakfast together and found that we both bulk at that meal to get a good start on the day. Also, because Germans eat meat/cheese sandwiches for breakfast, I made an olive loaf sandwich with tomato and cucumber for lunch! As we spoke, I found IW a true inspiration; she hikes all over, travels and works on cruises as a cultural lecturer for Pacific Islanders. She lived in Tahiti for about 30 years! She had a benign brain tumor removal surgery awhile ago and lucky to come out of it with all her faculties. Since [that experience] she's committed to leading life her way. She only mentioned her husband wasn't supportive when she became ill, and she had no ring. She's focused on herself and what she wants and I feel I'm doing the same; though we're both having to overcome our respective obstacles.

I asked IW if she'd like to meet for dinner and she said she'd have to eat early. I asked her what time and she said 18:00 to 19:00! Shit, that's a late dinner for me, which made me realize that that's part of why I go to bed early. It's just me, no need to resent that! Europeans, by nature, stay up late. Tonight, however, I may go for a beer somewhere, my tummy's doing much better. Anyway, it made me feel better about what was bothering me so much yesterday.

After my great breakfast I set off to explore Alstadt. I had to go pee so I broke down and got a coffee at Starbucks, which was so gross (even after 3 sweeteners and milk!) I had to toss it. After walking all around, I saw the tourist info and, on a whim, asked the cafe chick about black forest cake. She told me about Gundel around the corner, it's the oldest cafe in Heidelberg and she said if they didn't have it, no one would; they did! I took a piece to go and headed to the castle.
Evident from my pics, Schloss Heidelberg is absolutely breathtaking and very much worth 5 Euro! The building has somewhat collapsed in on itself and I just loved how it seems frozen in time. I walked around for about an hour, stopping for lunch and I only ate half of my cake! (I ate the rest while going to Clock World before the beach - this required a lot of public transportation transfers). I took a back way back down and saw a snail, one of the coolest things I've seen so far!
After that I headed to H&M and then Clock World - I want to buy a Cuckoo clock for Mom's birthday and have it shipped, but it didn't seem that kind of place, so I'll also look in Fussen cuz I think it's a bad ass idea. Then I came here and saw a topless chick and a really old dude wearing speedos. Ok, it's wicked hot so I'm gonna go for another dip and then read in the shade. I can only take so much sun!

OMG, I almost forgot to describe the black forest cake (Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte): The top layer of frosting was like butter cream, then there was a cream layer that was light and fluffy, followed by a chocolate layer with sweet fermented cherries and sort of strong booze, ending in a crispy layer; fucking tits! I know the booze cooks off but I swear I felt the heat. [I later found out that they don't cook off the booze, they straight-up soak it in booze prior to serving it!] It was so much more flavorful and less 'cakey' than the American, dried-out, version. The cherries were juicy and sweet, the cream layer was perfect and there wasn't much 'cake' at all. Definitely worth it, both money- and calorie-wise. I think I'm done with sweets for this trip though.... unless I see an irresistible German chocolate cake, but I haven't seen that anywhere. Gundel is a dangerous place by the way... I was so focused that I tried not to even read the other stuff, good Lord I wanted it all.

When I got back IW let me use her laptop so I didn't need to buy internet! But now I have a problem I didn't expect to have..... to much money, haha. I have 120 Euro left to spend in 2 days. I've been so good about saving that this is going to be difficult, but I do need to buy Mom something for her birthday and everyone else small stuff. Also, I can give some to SR (for PS) when I see him tomorrow, but me giving PS American money helps her more, so I think I'll just spend it :)

One thing I wanted to say about my initial meeting with IW; I told her how I always felt hungry and she replied that she just naturally got by on little food because there was never much to eat when she was growing up. I grew up with a lot of food, so it makes sense that I eat a lot. Our metabolisms are framed and trained during these years. It also reminds me that everyone is different - body types, activity levels, and corresponding caloric needs - I need to let these simple biological facts reassure my self-acceptance. I know how to take care of myself. Speaking of which, since I'm not taking the train to Stuttgart until 11:00, I'm going to run along the river tomorrow! I'm really excited about it. I welcome that freedom and power of Self feeling that always floods me during a run, it's why I do it.

IW and I went to a great place right next to the arch in Aldstadt for dinner. We both had the 'Servietten-Knodel mit Pfifferlingen an Salatbuket', which literally means Dumplings with Chantrelle mushrooms (fresh in-season!) and salad. It was salty but very good! What the name doesn't tell you is that the dumplings are pan-fried and the Chantrelles are cooked with bacon bits. The salad was served with a phenomenal balsamic - simply divine! We had great conversation and I'm so glad to have met her. She told me about the E1 trail which runs from Norway to Florence, Italy! Hello new life goal!
I'm meeting SR tomorrow and hanging with him from about noon to 15:30 before moving on to Fussen via Munich. Yay!

PS Thank you God! I noticed that just as I was bitching about the lack of society, You brought me IW.

Travel Plan for Saturday 06/30/2012:
1. Heidelberg (IC Train 11:10) to Stuttgart (11:50)
- Meet SR at tourist info area around noon
2. Stuttgart (ICE Train 15:12) to Munchen (17:27)
3. Munchen (17:51) to Fussen (19:56)

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