My views and advice on such topics as Diet and Exercise; Anxiety, Panic and Addiction; Spirituality and Random things that I find interesting.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thought of the Day 3/1/2012: Holy Change of Plans

Here's a great example of how fast things can change:

Both my lease and my job contract come up on the same day at the end of March, thus the reason for me taking off and traveling, knowing neither home or career.  I'm not going to lie, this made me anxious.  My boss worked hard to extend my contract, but corporate red-tape prevented it.  In fact nothing short of a miracle, the CEO's signature, could change the policy.   Today my boss called me into her office, and as a 'hasty' subordinate I naturally assumed my mouth had gotten me into trouble again.  Mais non, by some magnificent turn of events, the policy had been changed the night before and my contract was immediately extended to 24 months!  We are talking about a corporate policy at a world-renowned pharmaceutical company, which has been upheld in the most steadfast manner for the past 30 years; changed overnight.  [Hilarious, as I wrote that sentence a commercial for Enbrel was on the TV, our flagship medication]

Here's the thing, the group needs me right away so now have to re-arrange my plans, swallow some plane tickets, and find an apartment within a month, hahaha.  Just goes to show that you can never be sure of anything!  Isn't life great?

PS For those going to my Denver's Good-Bye Dinner, it's still on; I'm moving to Longmont and don't anticipate making that commute again anytime soon!

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